These are questions and answers page if your question isn’t answered here , please contact us
Can you help me find the best energy deal directly?
we will still be happy finding homes the best 1 year fixed deals and for businesses 2 - 5 year fixed deals by having on site and over the phone reviews of your energy, then find the lowest cost energy supplier amongst 60 different suppliers.
I’m locked into a contract with my current supplier and have to pay an exit fee if i leave
For homes some suppliers do have exit fees if you decide to change, roughly £20 - £30 , however there are suppliers who are willing to waiver these fees when switching also with the money being saved from switching to the lowest suppliers most of the time outweighs how much you pay to leave by far.
The energy market is full of crooks and just want to take my hard earned money
With the vast amount of energy company's with stiff competition, you will find the good bad and the ugly from energy company's. This is why we offer the best spoke advice and tools to ensure you will always find the best energy company which suits you; without having to do deals with the Bad and the Ugly.
Myself/my friend has had a bad experience changing my energy supplier, this is why I keep things the way it is
This is a very common problem which can occur with people who have had a bad experience with switching. It can be like being in a toxic relationship with one partner and after leaving for someone else and finding out the new relationship is just as bad.
This simply happened mostly due to fact the switch was made based on inaccurate information given to the supplier which lead to the supplier giving yourself or your friend a misleading deal.
Luckily this website prides itself in keeping people well informed with the advice and Tools to switch supplies without any miss communication between the supplier and yourself of how much the cost will be.
I already know how much I use in pounds or have a smart meter
If you know how much you use in gas and electric in kilowatts in a year then your on the right track, however if you only know how much you use in pounds for this is exactly what energy providers use to give you inaccurate estimates along higher cost per kilowatt for your energy.
This is why we have built this page with the correct advice in how to find your annual kilowatt consumption along with finding the real value of your energy using our Energy Ruler which mesures your usage.
if you like us to mesure your usage contact us
I'm too busy with things to take in the advice
Don't worry we understand this matter and we know when reviewing your supply can be commonly put to the side. However with a growing number of suppliers this has become more of a priority with as the cost of being too busy most likely would now come at the expense of £350 a year for homes and up to £3000 a year for businesses.
Ignorance is bliss; for those who profit from the people who are too busy however if you feel the expense isn't enough money to want to claim back from the suppliers you use, this isn't the website for you.
We are an organisation which prides our self in helping those who care value there expenses. with family and businesses to take care we believe literally every penny counts.
Why haven't I heard of this advice before?
Since there are 60 different suppliers within the market energy company's make it seem confusing and complicated to be able to hide the real cost of your electric.
They know if people truly understood the real value of there energy and how to find the best deal, this would drive the cost of how much they could charge to rock bottom prices; which will not be profitable for themselves as company's.
This is the main reason why we provide you with all the inside tools and knowledge to find out yourself how to find the lowest cost energy provider in your area
If prices go up in the whole industry what's the point in getting advice
This is a valid point if there was only 1 supplier within the energy market, whereby there was 2 decades ago. However in 2020 there is now around 30 different suppliers who like to make profit from uninformed customers . Since they mostly focus on the same area and customer this also brings competition and on a yearly basis the difference in cost between suppliers can be over £350 a year for homes and up to £3000 a year and over for businesses.
General Questions
How long switching take, and what happens?
The process once you have agreed to change your supplier it will take 21 days. Within this time you will not need to tell your supplier you’re leaving or cancel any direct debits as this is done automatically.
After the switch is complete you will receive a final bill from your old supplier for the last 21 days of energy.
When switching do i lose any supply of gas and electric?
No this never occurs as the government will always keep the supply running through the network.
Do I have to change my meter if I switch? And how much will I pay to change my meter?
Short answer, no. Your meters are property of national grid and UK power networks, suppliers are only in charge of keeping track of your energy usage you pay a daily standing charge when using your gas and electric which pays for the costs of changing and replacing your meters if necessary.
When you switch to a new supplier with the same payment method you don't have to change your meter of any cost for the new supplier to bill you for the meter.
Where do I shop to find the best deal?
Fortunately we have a page on our website where you can find all the suppliers which can offer you deals
Alternatively you can type in Google "compare my energy" to find all the comparison websites who offer fixed tariffs
Using the Energy Ruler will be able to find the right value you can use to present to suppliers and the Energy Converter will be the tool you can then use to find out how much they will charge you based on the rates they will quote you with in regards to Unit Price and Standing Charge.
Note you most likely get a better deal if you go directly instead of going to the comparison site or use 3rd party's this is why we have placed all the active suppliers on our website.
What questions do I need to ask a supplier to find out how much they will be charging me for my electric and gas?
1 what is my unit rate per kilowatt for gas and electric?
2 what is my standing charge
3 are my prices fixed? , until when?
This can then be put into the Energy converter to find out how much it will realistically cost
Note be sure you are being given prices based on fixed unit prices and standing charges
Will you help me find the best supplier
Yes we can if you need extra support as we are dedicated for our customers to get the most out of their money contact us with your questions and we will be happy to answer along with the solutions.
Why is it important to find my annual consumption?
This is important for suppliers to give you an accurate fixed cost for the term of your contract
How do I find my annual consumption?
By either calling your supplier asking how much do I use within a year in kilowatts, in the breakdown on a recent bill, or by using our Energy Ruler.
I'm struggling to read my meter
If you have already acquired the energy tools, don't worry if your having problems we are here to help, contact us and we will give you a call to provide the support you need.
I'm struggling to read my bill
If you have already acquired the energy tools, don't worry if your having problems we are here to help, contact us or send a picture of the picture of the bill to [email protected] and we will find out all the information for you
I need more advice
We have a dedicated team who are able to explain how to use these tools effectively contact us and tell us what advice you need and we will either email or call you back with the help you need asap.
How do i become a client
To become a client of our company contact us, then we will review your energy supply of your home and business and we will suggest to you the best energy company to provide you electric or gas. Once your a client of ours we will give you the Tools and care you need to be able to have a sustainable supply.
Other Questions
If any questions are not within this section feel free to contact us
I receive winter warm home discount
If you receive this benefit from your supplier, you will need to ask or find out from a new chosen supplier whether they support this system as well before switching.
I can smell gas
If you live within the UK the first number to always call if you have a gas leak 0800 111 999 Cadent
My electric has cut out
If you live within the UK the first number to always call if you have a power cut or electric emergency is 105, this will call UK Power Networks.
Why should I move myself away from prepayment meter and variable tariff?
If you have a prepayment meter or are on a variable tariff this means you can be charged more for your electric and gas. Even though you would use the same amount of energy as the last year, these charges mean you may be paying more for your unit prices and standing charges which ultimately means a more expensive bill.
I want to change my prepayment to pay monthly / quarterly receipt bill
As long as your not in debt with your current supplier, this is possible to do with most company's including your current supplier. This will allow your unit prices and standing charges to be fixed for the term of the plan you have agreed; therefore lower cost accurate prices.
I've just moved into a new house/business
If this is the case there would already be a supplier who is in charge of the meter, if you would like to find the best supply you will have to get the numbers which are on your gas and electric meter and tell the supplier you have moved in.
Ask them to put you on a variable tariff until you are confident in finding the supplier you would like to charge you. This will avoid any exit fees suppliers can charge you from leaving them.
I'm moving out of my house/business
Be sure to give the supplier your final meter reading before you leave to avoid any extra charges based on usage of new occupants or builders in the property.
Why are prices going up?
These are due to mostly external market factors where we can keep you up to date on a yearly basis by visiting our energy forecast page, whereas this will give you a bird's-eye scope of the energy industry as a whole
I have legal issues with my supplier and my solicitor/ lawyer isn't an energy expert
If you or your supplier has threatened to send debt collection services ,or your taking on your supplier to court, we have a special service for our Energy Tool Customers . Which can logically prove and refine your case , moreover contact us, present your case and our legal team will get in touch
Do i need permission from my landlord to switch supply?
As long as your name is on the electric and gas bill its it is up to you to use whatever supply you would prefer as long as you don’t change the meters themselves which could come to a inconvenience to the landlord whereby you would have to ask permission.
Im a business owner, I’ve like to have an electric and gas but there are no meters within the premise
This usually happens due to the fact its a new property or the meter had been removed due to unpaid bill.
We will be happy to arrange for a new meter to be put into the property.
Please contact us with this question in subject to arrange a site review
What if my supplier goes bust/ceases to trade?
In this case your supplier will be designated to a new default supplier by Ofgem and you will receive a letter before hand. You will not loose your supply for your energy within the transition as your power supply is owned by another company.
This however may give you the opportunity to find a better deal in the market by using our services.